This is my invitation to  commit to yourself for yourself for life long transformation.  The Stronger. Healthier. Happier.  challenge is providing sustainable, holistic framework for health conscious people wanting to optimise their health potential. No fads, no quick fixes promoted. Lifestyle changes are difficult but worthwhile, and this challenge aims to inspire and empower you to recognize your wellness potential and clearly pursue it with a personalised action plan. We’ll work together to ensure your plan includes progressive training, foods, nutrients and mindset to meet your circumstances.

Our holistic framework is covering the 3 Pillars of health: exercise, nutrition and metacognition. We do address these pillars through our Move Well. Eat Well. Think Well. services as described below.

Move Well – to address the natural curve of muscle loss. Muscle mass is your metabolic currency. Unfortunately decreases approximately 3–8% per decade after the age of 30 and this rate of decline is even higher after the age of 60. This involuntary loss of muscle mass, strength, and function is a fundamental cause of and contributor to disability in older people. We need to work hard to preserve them.

  • Muscles process much of the glucose in your body, so more muscle mass improves insulin sensitivity and reduces diabetes risk.
  • Strength training boosts glucose uptake by increasing glucose transporters like GLUT-4 and by improving mitochondria function.
  • Myokines released during strength training like irisin and interleukin-6 improve metabolic factors like insulin sensitivity and fat browning.

Eat Well – to help you understand the principles of building strength and make adjustments as needed for their own circumstances; you need to provide enough fuel for your energy levels to move well.

Think Well –  to help you clear the mind. “The key to succeeding in any endeavor is to first win over oneself. The obstacles before us are ultimately shadows of our own mind.” Daisaku Ikeda

Move Well Challenge – Consistently attend 2 to 3 sessions every week e.g. 2 Reformer Challenge + 1 AlignNRestore every week and we guarantee you will be stronger by the end of the 8 week challenge. For the more experienced participant you do have the choice to include a strength / gym session in a small supervised group or to follow your personalised gym training program in our boutique gym studio.

  • Remove the guesswork with your personalised Reformer and/or gym based training.

  • The Reformer Challenge classes provide a specific routine which will progressively get more challenging each week. Incremental increase in repetitions and/or load to safely get stronger and more mobile. 

Eat Well Challenge – Building strength and maintaining your muscle mass as you age is not an easy task and certainly requires more than exercise hard. Having a proper nutrition is critical to have the energy to move well and enjoy life. Through the 8 week challenge you will get our support to understand what your body needs and adjust your eating habits to support your activity level.

  • We do not promote any particular diet or fads. We provide science based knowledge about the dietary needs to build muscle and/or to lose fat. We help you understand simple ways to fuel your body before or after training to maximise the benefits of your training.

  • Having an in-house sports nutritionist is making it easier for all the participants to navigate and debunk the plethora of internet based nutrition myths.

Think Well Challenge – Scientific evidence about the physiological, mental and emotional benefits of mindfulness and meditation speaks for itself. Once limited to the clinical treatment of anxiety and stress, mindfulness and meditation are now applied to the fields of neuroplasticity, emotional intelligence, elite sports performance and leadership training.

  • During the 8 week challenge create your everyday mindfulness practice and develop your self-awareness, resilience, social intuition and attention control. Strengthen your memory and improve the executive function of the brain.

  • “Just as the body needs to eat, bathe and sleep every day, so the mind and the heart need to nourished, cleansed and rested every day. A restless mind is an unfocused mind clogged with too much information and fatigued by circling thoughts. ” – Sri Santananda Saraswati