It is not a race. It is a commitment challenge. You commit to yourself for yourself. It is about sustainability, resilience, personal growth and community connection. Like all our challenges is holistic and is using the latest science supporting your health and fitness goals.

Do you want to feel good and look good?  Do you want to improve your energy levels and shift your mindset? Then starting 11th October,  join this 35 days challenging journey and commit to yourself for yourself. The challenge involves the 3 pillars of health #eatwell #movewell #thinkwell

The challenge is not about doing Pilates Reformer all day everyday. It’s about finding the consistency that is sustainable and is delivering the results you are after. The challenge is also modular and flexible allowing you to choose the area you want to focus on.

  • You can choose to stay with the same number of Pilates sessions or increase the number of your Pilates Classes.
  • You can choose to improve your waistline measurement (which is the main measure of health from a weight management point of view).
  • You can choose to work on your mindset and improve your stress levels or sleep pattern or address a particular fear or emotion.
  • You can bring it all together and join the “Wellness Retreat By The Sea” in Port Elliot.

Why a challenge and what is the challenge about? It is fun, it motivates and gives results. Once you choose your goals we will keep you accountable and support you with all the tools to achieve your goals.

All of us feel motivated when we make a commitment, when we push ourselves slightly out of the comfort zone. Have you noticed that when you write down a goal or when you say it out loud to another person, when you let the world know that you want to achieve something… the Universe is somehow contributing to your efforts? Say YES to Yourself for Yourself and be a better person for everybody else around you!

Choose and register for ONE or ALL the challenges below to get our support:

Move Well Challenge – Choose this challenge to feel god and get stronger. The physical effect? Bottom lifting, arms sculpting, core wrapping. You can choose to stay with your current level of sessions or you can add extra sessions. Simply honor your commitment in the 5 weeks to get in the draw for one of these great prizes!

  • Register – no extra sessions.

  • Register – add 5 sessions for $99*

Eat Well Challenge – Choose this challenge to feel energised and improve your waistline circumference.   This is not about dieting. In fact ANY diet works for a short period of time. This challenge helps you to understanding what your body needs and create realistic goals. It is also a challenge to change your habits. This requires time and yes it’s not easy. This is just a step towards sustainable changes for healthier life. But when you make the decision to change, half the battle is done. The other half is our support with proper knowledge, tools and accountability:

  • Remove the guesswork with your personalised “Eat for Your Level of Energy Nutrition Plan”

  • Participate in the workshop “Debunk Nutrition Myths” to learn to eat for better health without feeling deprived.

Think Well Challenge – Choose this challenge to change your mindset.  Feeling stressed from time to time is part of being human. However the effect of prolonged stress is cumulative and can lead to health problems. While we can not change the life stressors, we can change the way we deal with them. The Mindfulness exercises are helping you to calm the overthinking and become aware of thoughts and feelings caused by unwanted circumstances.

  • Receive 5 mindfulness practices for the 5 weeks challenge and increase your natural mind awareness.

  • Two Pilates For The Mind sessions.